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Coffee Runs - A New Series

One of my best friends gave me an incredible idea. She always sees via my social media that I'm a fan of drinking coffee in cool places. She gave me the idea to have a photo shoot there & after I did one - an idea was born! Every Sunday, I'm going to review a coffee shop for you. Mostly local to Pittsburgh, but if I'm traveling I'm going to make a point to visit a cute coffee shop & observe their décor, the locals, & of course - their coffee. What do you guys think?! Fun, right?

Today I'm going to be reviewing Carnegie Coffee Company in Carnegie, PA. This cute coffee shop is actually in Carnegie's old post office building & it has been completely re-modeled. It shares a building with The Medicine Shoppe, but it in no way takes away from the place.

I ordered a "Caramello" in a ceramic mug for around $3.xx. They also serve food as well, but I have yet to indulge so unfortunately I can't comment on that. They have a ton of options for drinks including tea, iced coffee, espressos, & smoothies.

Both times I've been to Carnegie Coffee Company, there have been other people there doing photoshoots. This place just screams "Instagram worthy", so the locals have the right idea.

Of course I carted my coffee around 4 or 5 different places taking test shots to see where the lighting was best. There's two floors of seating, but I personally prefer to sit on the first floor. Finally after a few people left, I hogged the corner lounge chairs by the ceiling high book shelf. The décor in this place is so cute. Truly something for everyone. If you're there to relax & read a book, they have plenty to choose from. Or read your own. There to do school work on your laptop? They have free wifi (BONUS!). Once I was done taking a million & one pictures until I got a few that I liked, I got down to business actually drinking my coffee. I'm not a fan of black coffee, so I will always feature flavored coffee drinks in these reviews. If you're a black coffee fan & you hit up one of the joints I review, leave a comment letting readers know how it is. As for my Caramello, it was delicious. The perfect amount of coffee in a little ceramic mug.

So, if you're local to Pittsburgh & love discovering new coffee joints, head on over to Carnegie Coffee Company. Let me know below if you go & let me know what you think!

On a scale of 1-10 coffee cups, I give this place an 8. :)

<3 C

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