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Mindset Monday

A lot of us have routines on Sundays so that by the time Monday comes along, we're ready & prepared for the week. I've decided to make Mondays "Mindset Monday" - sharing ways to ensure that you're starting off your week the best way possible.

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."

How many of us dread Mondays? *raises hand*

This week - I dare you to NOT dread the first day of a new week. Because essentially, that's how you should look at it. The FIRST day of a NEW week. Anything is possible. The slate is clean.

Every Sunday I like to sit down with my Passion Planner, look at my week, & decide what goals I have & what I'd like to conquer & complete. Lately it's been school work, but it could also be smaller things like "No coffee out" or "Take a breath every time you're frustrated".

While the following is great for setting larger goals, the SMART acronym is great for smaller, weekly goals as well:

  • Specific - Make sure you're making it very clear what you'd like to accomplish.

  • Measurable - "How will I know when my goal is accomplished?"

  • Achievable - Be realistic with yourself. If you're doing this for the week, make sure you're not setting yourself up for failure. Figure out exactly how you're going to accomplish your goal.

  • Relevant - How important is this goal to you? Is it worth spending time on?

  • Time bound - When will your goal be completed? If you're focusing on this week - your answer should be by the end of the week or by a specific day of the week.

What's your Sunday or Monday routine to make sure you're in the right mindset to accomplish your goals/to-do list? If you don't use the SMART guidelines, what guidelines DO you use? Share your method!

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